1000 Names of Lord Vishnu describe the qualities of Hindu God Vishnu.

Hindu people chant thousand names to worship God Vishnu and to get a lot of benefits. Here I’ve shared all the names with meaning.

1000 Names of Lord Vishnu

Names of Lord Vishnu With Meaning

Lord Vishnu’s names are not only for chanting but You can name your baby with the name after God Vishnu.

1000 Names of Lord Vishnu

I’ve listed the names alphabetical-wise. Here first you can get the names of God Vishnu starting with ‘A’.

Names Meaning
Abhipraya Approached by seekers of salvation
Abhu He has no birth
Achala Supremely stable
Achintya Inconceivable
Achyuta Who does not slip
Achyuta Never changes
Adbhuta One who is the wonder
Adharanilaya The fundamental sustainer
Adhata Has no authority above him to give him directions
Adhishthanam The substratum of the universe
Adhokshaja His vitality never flows downwards
Adhrita Not carried by anything
Adideva The primary source of everything
Adideva The first diety
Aditya The Sun
Aditya Was born of Aditi
Adrishya Not visible
Agrahya Not perceived sensually
Agraja First-born
Agrani He guides us to the peak
Aha Bright as the day
Ahah Samvartaka Makes day in the form of sun
Aja The lord who does not have birth
Aja He takes the form of aja, brahma
Aja Never takes birth
Ajita Unconquered
Akroora He who is not cruel
Akshara Undecaying
Aksharam Imperishable
Akshobhya Ever unruffled
Akshobhya Can’t be annoyed by anyone
Amani Does not have pride and willing to be anything
Amara Prabhu He is the Lord of immortals
Ambhonidhi The ultimate sojourn to devas, manushyas, asuras and pitrs
Ameyatma Whose stature cannot be measured
Ameyatma Whose essence is immeasurable
Amitashana Of endless appetite
Amitavikrama Immeasurable prowess
Amitavikrama Has immeasurable prowess
Amogha Ever useful
Amogha Whose acts are for a great purpose
Amoorti Does not have shape
Amrita He is immortal
Amritamsha Drinker of nectar
Amritamshudbhava Who made moon appear from the ocean of milk
Amritapa Drinks the nectar
Amritavapu Immortal
Amrityu He does not have death
Amurtiman Formless
Anadi Has no beginning
Anadinidhana The God without origin or end
Anagha Sinless
Anagha Sinless
Anala In the form of fire, and sustains life
Anala Unlimited wealth, power and glory
Anamaya Never becomes ill
Ananda The personification of happiness
Anandi Gives delight
Ananta Endless
Ananta Who is endless
Anantajit He is ever-victorious
Anantaroopa Has countless forms
Anantashree Full of infinite glories
Anantatma Infinite self
Anartha The one to whom there is nothing yet to be fulfilled
Anaya He can’t be lead by anybody
Anekamurti Of multi form
Anila The form of air
Anila Never slips
Animisha Ever knowing
Anirdeshyavapu Indefinable form
Anirdeshyavapu His forms cannot be defined
Aniruddha Can’t be obstructed
Aniruddha Invincible by any enemy
Anirvinna Has no discontent
Anirvinna Feels no disappointment
Anisha The one who does not have any god above him
Anivarti Who never retreats
Anivrittatma Always available everywhere
Aniyama Not subject to any rules
Annada Lord who eats food
Annam The Lord who is food
Antaka He brings about end of everything
Anu Who is subtle and minute
Anukoola Well-wisher of everyone
Anuttama Does not have anybody better than him
Apam Nidhi The ocean
Aparajita Unvanquished
Aparajita Can’t be defeated
Apramatta Never commits a mistake in judgement
Aprameya He is is beyond rules, regulations and definitions
Aprameyatma Beyond knowledge
Apratiratha Has no enemies to threaten him
Araudra Never cruel
Aravindaksha His eyes are as beautiful as lotus
Archishmana Effulgent
Archita He is constantly worshipped by his devotees
Arha Most appropriate for worship
Arka Suitable to be worshipped by all great gods
Artha Worshiped by all
Asankhyeya Has numberlesss names and forms
Asat The ultimate truth which is hidden by illusion
Ashoka He has no sorrows
Ashrama The place where beings can relax
Ashwattha Impermanent tree
Ateendra He is above Indra
Atindriya Beyond the sense organs
Atmavan The self in all beings
Atmayoni Has no cause or source except himself
Atula Incomparable
Aushadham Divine medicine
Avartana He rotates the wheel of life
Avidheyatma He is not under the control of anybody
Avigyata The lord who is not one who does not know
Avishishta The noblest and the most sacred
Avyakta Unmanifested
Avyanga Perfect
Avyaya In whom all disappear during the deluge
Avyayah Who is always same
Ayama Deathless

Names of Lord Vishnu Starting with ‘B’

God Vishnu’s names with ‘B’ aplbhabet.

Names Meaning
Babhru He carries the worlds
Bagahaa Destroys wealth during deluge
Bahushira Who has many heads
Bhagawan Possesses six opulences
Bhaktavatsala Loves his devotees
Bhanu Shines himself
Bharabrit Carries the load of the universe
Bharta Who governs the entire living world
Bhaskaradyuti He is the effulgence of the sun
Bhava Absolute existence
Bhavana Gives everything to his devotees
Bhayakrit Creates fear in bad people
Bhayanashana Destroys fear in good people
Bhayapaha Destroys all fears
Bheema All-inspiring and the terrible
Bheema Who is of fearful form
Bheema-parakrama The oen whose prowess is fearful to his enemies
Bheshajam The medicine
Bhishak The physician
Bhojanam The form which can be enjoyed like food
Bhokta Consumer of nature
Bhokta He enjoys the truth in himself
Bhokta Consumer of nature
Bhoogarbha Carries the earth within himself
Bhoor-bhuvah-swastaru Nourishes the tree (of bhoo, bhuvah and sva) of life
Bhooridakshina Conducts yajnas and gives cash benefits
Bhooshana Adorns the world
Bhooshaya Rested on the ground
Bhoota-Bhavya-Bhavannatha The lord of past, present and future
Bhoota-bhrit Someone who nourishes all creatures
Bhoota-krit He is the creator of all the creatures
Bhoota-maheshwara The first and ultimate god of all beings
Bhootabhavana He nurtures every being
Bhootabhavya-bhavat-prabhuh He is the lord of past, present and future
Bhootadi From whom all the beings bvolved
Bhootatma The soul of every being
Bhootavasa The dwelling place of the elements
Bhooti Has pure existence
Bhrajishnu Radiant
Bhujagottama Excellant among reptiles
Bhuvo-bhuva He exists in himself without any other support
Bijamavyayam The immutable seed
Braahmana The form of brahmins teaches vedas
Braahmanapriya Dear to the brahmanas
Brahma Creator
Brahma He who is brahmam
Brahmagya Knows vedas as himself
Brahmakrit Acts in brahman
Brahmanya Patron of brahman
Brahmavita Knows brahman
Brahmavivardhana Promoter of brahma vidya
Brahmi Controls all that is denoted by brahma
Brihadbhanu He has wide rays which go everywhere
Brihadroopa Who is vast, of infinite dimensions
Brihata Who is extremely big

God Vishnu’s Names Starting with “C”

Along with meaning get the Vishnu’s names with alphabet ‘C’.

Names Meaning
Chakragadadhara Keeps the holy wheel and holy mace
Chakri Holder of chakra
Chakri Carries the wheel called sudarshana
Chala Who is moving
Chandanangadi Has attractive armlets
Chandramshu Pleasant as the ray of moon
Chanoorandhranishoodana Slayer of chanura demon
Chaturashra Deals squarely
Chaturatma Fourfold in his nature
Chaturatma Clear minded
Chaturbahu Has four arms
Chaturbhava Source of the four purushartas
Chaturbhuja He has four hands
Chaturdamshtra Who has four horns
Chaturgati The ultimate goal of all four varnas and asramas
Chaturmurti Has four forms
Chaturvedavit Knower of four vedas
Chaturvyooha Expresses himself as the dynamic centre in the four vyoohas
Chaturvyuha Four manifestations
Chinnasamshaya Cleared of all doubts

Hindu God Vishnu Names Starting With ‘D’

Names from Vishnu Sahasranam Starting with “D”

Names Meaning
Daksha Completes all jobs quickly
Daksha Clever
Dakshina Most liberal
Dama Patience when being ruled
Damana Subduer
Damayita Controls and rules people
Damodara He was tied by Yashoda in the stomach
Danda Punishes the wicked
Darpada Giver of pride to those who walks on the path of dharma
Darpaha Destroyer of pride in evil-minded people
Daruna Merciless towards the unrighteous
Dasharha Was born in the dasharha race
Deeptamurti Resplendent form
Deva The lord who revels
Devabhridguru Lord of all devas
Devakee-nandana The son of Devaki
Devesha Appears to perish
Dhama Supreme abode of all
Dhananjaya He gained wealth through conquest
Dhaneshwara God of wealth
Dhanurdhara The wielder of the bow
Dhanurveda Knows the science of archery
Dhanvi Supreme Archer
Dhanya Fortunate
Dharaadhara The sole support of the earth
Dharanidhara Supports the earth
Dharma The law of being
Dharmadhyaksha Presides over darma
Dharmagupa the protector of dharma
Dharmakrit Acts according to dharma
Dharmaviduttama The best of the knowers of dharma
Dharmayupa The post to which all dharma is tied
Dharmi Supporter of dharma
Dhata Supports all fields of experience
Dhaturuttama Who is greater than the creator (Brahma)
Dhritatma He who established in himself
Dhruva Imperishable
Dhurya He carries the weight of the world
Disha Advises and gives knowledge
Divahsprik Touches the sky
Dravinaprada Lavishly gives wealth
Dridha Has no change in character and ability
Dripta Never gets proud of his strength
Duh-svapna-nashana Destroys all bad dreams
Duradharsha Cannot be attacked successfully
Durariha Slayer of the demons
Duratikrama Whose orders can never be disobeyed
Duravasa Who can be kept
Durdhara He can’t be comprehended even by great yogis
Durdhara Can be brought to the mind with difficulty
Durga Not easily attained
Durgama Realised with great effort
Durjaya Unconquered
Durlabha Obtained with effort
Durmarshana Can’t be vanquished
Dushkritiha Destroyer of bad actions
Dyutidhara Bears an effulgent form

Different Hindu Names of God Vishnu

Along with the deep meaning know the different names of Vishnu.

Names Meaning
Eka Who is the one
Ekapaat Lord of one foot
Ekatma The one and only one soul
Gabhastinemi The hub of the universal wheel
Gabhira Unfathomable
Gabhiratma Deep and profound nature
Gadadhara Has a mace called Kaumodaki
Gadagraja Invoked through mantra
Gahana Whose shape, strength and actions are difficult to know
Gahana Depth cannot be measured
Garuda-Dwaja Has eagle in his flag
Gatisattama The ultimate refuge for all devotees
Ghritashi Has no need for good wishes
Gohita He does welfare for cows
Gopati Rears the cattle
Gopati Lord of the earth
Gopta The protector
Gopta Protector of the universe
Govidampati Lord of the wise
Govinda The protector of the cows
Govinda Lord who is known through vedanta
Gramani Leads the flock
Guha He dwells in the cave of the heart
Guhya Mysterious
Gunabhrita Bearer of attributes
Gupta Hidden from mind and the words
Guru Teacher of all knowledge
Gurutama The teacher of teachers
Gyana-muttamam Supreme knowledge
Gyanagamya He can only be attained through pure knowledge
Halayudha Has a plough as his weapon
Hamsa Destroyer of fear
Hari Destroyer of the cycle of birth
Havi Sacrificial offering in the yajnas
Havirhari Receiver of all oblations
Hemanga Limbs of gold
Hetu He is the supreme cause of this universe
Hiranyagarbha Who dwells in the womb of the world
Hiranyagarbha Keeps the golden source for all creations
Hiranyanabha He has a golden navel
Hrishikesha The Lord of Senses
Hutabhuka Enjoys all that is offered in yajna
Hutabhuka Who accepts oblations

Best Names of Vishnu God in Hinduism

Names of Lord Vishnu from Sahasranamavali.

Names Meaning
Ijya He is fit to be invoked through yajna
Indrakarma Resembling Indra in his glorious actions
Ishana He rules over everything
Ishta Who is loved by all
Ishwara Controls and rules all beings
Ishwara The Contoller
Jagadadija Was born before the world
Jagata-Setu Bridge across the material energy
Jahnunu Leader of men
Jana-janmadi Who is the cause of the birth of all creatures
Janana Who delivers all living creatures
Janardana He troubles bad people
Janeshwara Lord of the people
Janma-mrityu-jaratiga Has no birth, no death and is not affected by time
Jaya The victorious lord
Jayanta Conqueror of all enemies
Jeevana The life spark in all creatures
Jeta Ever-successful
Jitakrodha Conquered anger
Jitamanyu Has won over anger
Jitamitra Conquered all enemies
Jiva Living being
Jyeshtha Elder to all others
Jyoti Self-effulgent
Jyotiraditya The resplendence of the Sun
Jyotirganeshwara The luminaries in the cosmos
Kaala The reckoner
Kaami Of fulfilled desires
Kaaranam The cause for creation of the world
Kah Who is worshipped as ‘ka’ indicating pleasures
Kalaneminiha The slayer of Kalanemi
Kama Much desired by the seekers
Kama-Krit Fulfils all desires
Kamadeva Passionately loved by his devotees
Kamaha Destroys all desires
Kamapala Who takes care of desires
Kamaprada Supplies the desired objects
Kanakangadi He has golden armlets
Kanta Of enchanting form
Kanta Enchanting form
Kapi The Sun
Kapila The great sage Kapila
Kapindra He is Rama, dear to all monkeys
Karanam Instrument for creation of the world
Karta The doer
Kathita Glorified in all scriptures
Kavi He sees (knows) everything
Keshava Has beautiful locks of hair
Keshava His rays illumine the cosmos
Keshiha Slayer of demon Kesi
Khandaparashu Has axe to destroy enemies
Kim To be inquired
Krama Who has Spread Everywhere
Kratu Sacrificial ceremony
Krisha Lord who is slender
Krishna Complexion is dark
Krishna The dark-complexioned lord
Kritagama Author of the agama scriptures
Kritagama Author of vedas
Kritagya Who knows good and bad of all beings
Kritagya The knower of the world
Kritakarma Has fulfilled his acts
KritaKrita He who is the means and result of everything
Kritalakshana Famous for his qualities
Kritantakrit Destroys the world created by himself
Kriti He rewards all our actions
Krodha Kritkarta Generates anger against the lower tendency
Krodhaha Destroys anger in sincere seekers
Kshaama He remains alone after the deluge
Kshaama Destroys everything during deluge
Kshama Perennially patient
Kshaminamvara Has the greatest of forgiving powers
Ksharam Appears to perish
Kshemakrit Preserver of welfare
Kshetragyah The Knower of the Field
Kshiteesha The Lord of the earth
Kshobhana The agitator who thrills the world and makes it so beautiful with life
Kumbha The pot within whom everything is contained
Kumuda Delights in the earth
Kumuda Makes the earth happy
Kunda As attractive as jasmine flowers
Kundali Wears shining ear globes
Kundara Recognizes results of good deeds
Kuvaleshaya He reclines in the waters

Names of Lord Vishnu Starting with “L” and “M”

Get the names that are beginning with L and M.

Names Meaning
Lakshmi Abode of all wealth
Lakshmivan Consort of Lakshmi
Lohitaksha Has red eyes
Lokabandhu Kinsman of the universe
Lokadhishthanam The basis of the world
Lokadhyaksha He resides over the universe
Lokanatha Lord of the universe
Lokasaranga Understands the essence of the world
Lokaswami Lord of the world
Lokatrayashraya Refuge of the three worlds
Madhava The consort of Lakshmi
Madhava Lord of knowledge
Madhava Born in the family of madhu
Madhu Lord who is like honey
Madhusudana Destroyer of the demon Madhu
Mahaan The mighty
Mahabala Very strong
Mahabhaga Receives the best share offered by devotees in yajna
Mahabhoga Of the nature of enjoyment
Mahabhoota The great being
Mahabuddhi Has tremendous knowledge
Mahadeva The great deity
Mahadhana Has great wealth
Mahadridhrik Who lifted large mountains
Mahadyuti Has great luster
Mahagarta The great chasm
Mahahavi The greatest sacrificial offering in the yajna
Mahahrida Whose heart is full of the eternal water of happiness
Mahakarma Performs great deeds
Mahakarma Accomplishes great acts
Mahakosha The great treasury
Mahakrama Takes gig steps
Mahakratu The great sacrifice
Mahaksha He has big eyes
Mahamakha The great sacrificer
Mahamanaa Of great mind
Mahamaya Great illusionist
Mahamurti Monumental in form
Mahanidhi In whom all wealth is saved
Mahardi Has great prosperity
Maharha Deserves the highest worship
Maharshi Kapilacharya Incarnated as kapila, the great sage
Mahashakti Superior strength
Mahashana Swallows everything
Mahashringa He has the great horn (matsya avatar)
Mahaswana He has a thundering voice
Mahatapa Extremely knowledgeable
Mahateja Great resplendence
Mahavaraha The great boar
Mahaveerya Great energy
Mahayajna The great yajna
Mahayajva Performed great yajnas
Maheebharta Supporter of earth
Maheedhara He supports the earth
Maheedhara The supporter or the bearer of the earth
Mahejya He is to be most worshiped by yajna
Mahendra Lord of the Lords
Maheshvasa Wielder of mighty bow
Mahodadhishaya Rests on the great ocean
Mahoraga Has the form of the great serpent
Mahotsaha Has great enthusiasm
Manada Generates egoistic consciousness
Mangalam-Param The supreme auspiciousness
Manohara Captivates the mind
Manojava Swift as the mind
Manu He who thinks (worries) of everything
Manya To be honoured
Mareechi The effulgent
Marga He is the path for eternal bliss
Marga The path to immortality
Medhaja Born out of sacrifices
Medhavi The Supreme Intelligence
Medinipati The Lord of the earth
Muktanam Parama Gatih The ultimate range of the liberated
Mukunda Giver of liberation

Vishnu Names Starting with ‘N’ and ‘P’

If you are looking for names beginning with N and P alphabet, get the meaningful names here.

Names Meaning
Nahusha He ties souls by illusion
Naika Appears as in different forms by illusion
Naikaja Born many times
Naikakarmakrit Performs many actions
Naikamaya He creates many illusions
Naikaroopa Of infinite forms
Naikashringa Has several horns
Naikatma He takes various forms depending on need
Nakshatranemi Nave of the stars
Nakshatri The chief of stars
Nanda Free from all worldly pleasures
Nandakee Holds the ‘nandaka’ sword
Nandana Makes others blissful
Nandi Personification of supreme happiness
Nara Leader of human beings
Narasimha Vapuh Whose form is Man-Lion
Narayana Resides in all things that he creates
Naya The one who leads
Neta The leader of the world
Neya The guide for living beings
Nidhiravyaya Imperishable treasure
Nigraha Keeps every thing within himself
Nimisha He has closed eyes in contemplation
Nirguna He does not have any properties
Nirvanam Joy of renunciation
Nishtha The abode of all beings
Nivrittatma He is not attached to life
Nivrittatma Fully restrained from all sense indulgences
Niyama Appointing authority
Niyanta Makes people obey pules
Nyagrodha Above all beings in the worlds
Nyaya Justice
Ojastejo-Dyutidhara He is the possessor of vitality, effulgence and beauty
Paapa-nashana Destroyer of all sins
Paavana He gives the life sustaining power to the atmospheric air
Paavana Who ever purifies
Padamanuttamam Unequalled state of perfection
Padma Nibhekshana His eyes are as beautiful as the lotus
Padmagarbha Being meditated upon in the center of lotus of heart
Padmanabha Who has a Lotus growing on his belly
Padmanabha Having a navel with the lotus
Padmanabha He has the lotus in his navel
Padmi He has the lotus in his hand
Pana Supreme Universal manager
Paramaspashta Extremely vivid
Paramatma The supreme Soul
Parameshthi Centered in his glory
Pararddhi Has supreme manifestations
Parayanam The way to liberation
Parigraha Who is the receiver
Parjanya Similar to rain-bearing clouds
Parmeshwara Supreme Lord
Paryavasthita Dwells everywhere
Pavana The air that fills the universe
Pavitram Gives purity to the heart
Peshala Supremely soft
Poorayita Fulfills the wishes of his devotees
Poorna Complete
Pootatma He has extremely pure essence
Prabhava The Lord in whom all things were born
Prabhoota He is full of wealth and knowledge
Prabhu Almighty
Prabhu The great lord
Pradhana-Purusheshwara Lord of nature and beings
Pradyumna Has great wealth
Pragraha He is the receiver of the humblest gifts
Pragvamsha Belongs to the first dynasty
Prajagara Always awake
Prajapati The Chief of all human beings
Prajapati He is the Chief of people
Prajhabhava The reason for existence of human beings
Prakashana He illuminates himself as all-pervading consciousness
Prakashatma The effulgent self
Pramanam He is personification of knowledge
Pramanam The basis of all scriptures
Pramodana Always happy
Pramshu Huge body
Prana The soul
Prana The soul in all living creatures
Prana He is the soul
Pranabhrit Controls and rules all activities of life
Pranada The bestower of vital breaths
Pranada He gives strength to everywhere
Pranada Who gives life
Pranada Gives life to the physical body
Pranajeevana Gives the breath of life to the living creatures
Prananilaya In whom all life exists
Pranava He is praised by the gods
Pranava Omkara which denotes the supreme truth
Prapitamaha The great old grand father of the universe
Prasannatma Ever pure and all-blissful self
Pratapana He emits heat
Pratardana The destroyer in deluge
Prathita Exists pervading all
Pratishthita Self established
Pratyaya Personification of knowledge
Preetivardhana Increases joy in the devotee’s heart
Prithu Immense
Priyakrit Fulfiller of desires
Priyarha Deserves all our love
Punarvasu The repeated dweller in the bodies
Pundarikaksha Pervading the lotus of the heart
Punya Truly holy
Punya Who is supremely pure
Punya-shravana-keertana Increases boons to those who sing about him
Punyakirti Holy fame
Purandara The destroyer of cities
Puratana He is very ancient
Purujita Has conquered numerous enemies
Purusattama The best in several forms
Purusha He dwells in all bodies
Purushah He who is inside every body
Purushottama Supreme controller
Pushkaraksha Has lotus like eyes
Pushkaraksha Lotus eyed
Pushpahasa Opens like a flower at the time of primal creation
Pushta Ever-full

Names From Vishnu Sahasranam with Meaning

Know the 1000 names of God Vishnu and their meanings.

Names Meaning
Rakshana Protector of the universe
Rama The Lord who is of delightful form
Ranapriya The lover of battles
Rathangapani Keeps the wheel called Sudarshana in his hand
Ratna-nabha Has a beautiful navel
Ratnagarbha Keeps pearls within itself
Ravi Dries up everything
Ravilochana Has the sun for his eyes
Riddha Ever full of prosperity
Riddha He has expanded himself as the universe
Ritu The seasons
Rohita Red-hued in matysavatara
Ruchirangada Wears resplendent shoulder caps
Rudra Drives away sadness and the reasons for it
Sadamarshee Forgives the mistakes committed by his devotees
Sadayogi He is always in yoga
Sadbhuti Undenied being
Sadgati Attained by good people
Sadhu Walks in the righteous path
Sadpathachara Moves only in the path of truth
Saha Has patience at everything
Sahasra Moordha He has countless heads
Sahasrajit He vanquishes thousands
Sahasraksha He has thousand eyes
Sahasramshu Has thousand rays
Sahasrapaat He has thousand feet
Sahasrarchi Has thousands of rays
Sahishnu Suffer patiently
Sahishnu Calmly endures duality
Sakshi Witness of everything that happens
Sama Unchanging at all times
Sama He is the sama veda
Samaga The chanter of sama hymns
Samagayana Chants the sama veda
Samatma The same in all
Samavarta The skillfull turner
Whose worship is nothing more than keeping an equal vision of the mind by the devotee
Sambhava The one who is all that happens
Sameehana His desires are auspicious
Sameerana The form of wind makes beings move
Samitinjaya Ever-victorious Lord
Samkshepta Condensor during pralaya
Sammita Unlimited in all
Sampramardana Crusher of evil doers
Samvatsara He is personification of the year
Samvatsara Makes all things reside in him
Samvrita The lord who is
Sanat The beginningless and endless factor
Sanatanatama Most ancient
Sandhata Regulator
Sandhiman He who seems to be conditioned
Sangraha Holds everything together
Sankarshanoachyuta Withdraw the beings within himself during the deluge
Sannivasa The ultimate place where scholars go
Sansthana Ultimate authority
Santa Expressed through saintly men
Sanyasakrit Institutor of sanyasa
Saptaidha Has seven flames
Saptajihva Expresses himself as the seven tongues of fire
Saptavahana Has a vehicle of seven horses
Sarga He creates the world from himself
Sarva vageeshvareshwara The Chief among gods who speak
Sarva Yogavinih Srita Known by all yogas
Sarva-praharanayudha Has all implements for all kinds of assault and fight
Sarvadarshana He knows everything
Sarvadarshi Knows everything naturally
Sarvadi Primary reason for everything
Sarvadrigvyasa Writes about all knowledge
Sarvadrik He sees everything
Sarvaga All pervading
Sarvagya Omniscient
Sarvagya Omniscient
Sarvakamada Fulfills all desires
Sarvalakshana-Lakshanya Is known through all the methods of research
Sarvasaha Tolerates all
Sarvashastra-bhritamvara The best among those who wield weapons
Sarvasunilaya Shelter of all living beings
Sarvatashchakshu Sees everything everywhere
Sarvatomukha Has faces everywhere
Sarvavidbhanu All knowing and effulgent
Sarvavijjayi Who is at once omniscient and victorious
Sarveshwara He is the lord of all
Sarwa The Lord who is everything
Sashwata Always remains the same
Sat The ultimate permanent truth
Satamgati He is a goal for all virtuous people
Satamgati The ultimate goal of those who seek for salvation
Satkarta Adores good and wise people
Satkirti True fame
Satkrita Adored by all good people
Satkriti Full of good actions
Satparayana Supreme goal of the good
Satram Protects good people
Satta Personification of non differential knowledge
Sattvastha Situated in sattva
Sattvavaan Full of exploits and courage
Sattvika Full of satvic qualities
Satvatampati Lord of the satvatas
Satya Truth personified
Satya Who is himself the truth
Satya Lord who is truth
Satya-Dharma-Parakramah Champions heroically for truth and righteousness
Satyadharma parayana Devoted to truth and dharma
Satyadharmaa The truthful dharma
Satyamedha Intelligence never fails
Satyaparakrama He has a truthful valour
Satyasandha Veracious in mental decisions
Sava The personification of soma yagya
Savita Brings forth the universe from himself
Savita Father of the universe
Shabdasaha Allows himself to be invoked by vedic declarations
Shabdatiga Transcends all words
Shaktimataam Shreshtha The best among the powerful
Shama Calm
Shambhu The Bestower of Happiness
Shankha-bhrit Carries and blows the shell named ‘panchajanya’
Shanta Peaceful
Shanti Whose very nature is peace
Shantida Giver of peace
Sharabha He dwells and shines forth through the bodies
Sharanam Refuge
Shareera-bhoota-bhrit The soul of pancha bhoothas which is the basis of all beings
Sharirabhrit He sustains and nourishes all bodies
Sharma Who is himself infinite bliss
Sharnga-dhanva Has the bow called saranga
Sharva Destroys everything when the deluge comes
Sharvarikara Creator of darkness
Shashabindu The moon who has a rabbit-like sspot
Shashvatasthira Eternal and stable
Shashwata Sthanu He is permanent and unmovable
Shasta Rules over the universe
Shatamurti Has several forms
Shatanana He has several faces

Beautiful Names of Lord Vishnu Starting with ‘S’

The names that are inspired by Vishnu.

Names Meaning
Shatananda Infinite varieties and joys
Shatavarta Takes infinite varieties of forms
Shatrughna Destroyer of enemies
Shatrujita Ever victorious over foes
Shatrutapana Makes his enemies suffer
Shauri Incarnated in the dynasty of shoora
Shauri Was born in the sura dynasty
Shikhandi He wears the feathers of peacock
Shipivishta The very subsistence of life
Shishira Cool like winter
Shishtakrita Law-maker
Shishteshta Dear to the learned
Shiva Eternally pure
Shiva Eternally pure
Shokanashana He destroys sadness of his devotees
Shoonya Void
Shoora Valiant
Shoorajaneshwara Valiant
Shoorasena Has heroic and valiant armies
Shramana Gives sorrow to sinners
Shreegarbha Containing all glories within
Shreshtha Better than all others
Shreya Personification of perennial happiness
Shrida The giver of opulence
Shridhara The bearer of shri
Shrikara Who gives all wealth to his devotees
Shriman Who is always with Lakshmi
Shriman The possessor of light, effulgence, glory
Shrimana Lord of all prosperity
Shrimana The professor of shri
Shrimatam Vara Glorious
Shringi Was born as a fish with horn
Shrinidhi The treasure of shri
Shrinivasa The permanent abode of shree
Shrinivasa In whom goddess Lakshmi lives
Shripati Lord of goddess Lakshmi
Shrisha Goddess of fortune
Shrivatsavakshaa Has shrivatsa on his chest
Shrivibhavana Distributor of wealth
Shrutisagara Ocean for all scriptures
Shubhanga Has the most beautiful form
shubhanga With enchanting limbs
Shubhekshana His gaze brings auspiciousness to the devotee
Siddha Always everywhere
Siddha Perfection
Siddha Sankalpa Who realizes all that he wants
Siddhartha He has gained all that has to be gained
Siddhi The desirable effect of everything
Siddhi Sadhana The aid for success
Siddhida The giver of benedictions
Simha Destroyer of sins
Simha Royal as a lion
Skanda Whose glory is expressed through Subrahmanya
Skandadhara Establishes the way of dharma
Soma He is in the form of moon helps plants to grow
Somapa Drinks soma
Spashtakshara Clearly indicated by the supreme sound om
Sragvi Wears a garland of undecaying flowers
Srashtaa Creator of all beings
Srishta Creates the world
Srivasa In whom goddess Lakshmi lives
Stavapriya Likes being praised
Stavya Is being praised by everybody
Sthanada He confers the right abode to each living organism
Sthanu Immovable
Sthavarasthanu Firm and motionless
Sthaviro-Dhruva Ancient and permanent
Sthavishtha The supremely gross
Sthavishtha Immense
Sthira Constant
Sthoola Lord who is stout
Stota Adores or praises
Stotram The hymn itself
Stuti The act of praise
Subhuja Has graceful arms
Suchi Spotlessly clean
Suchi Impeccable and without blemish
Suchishrava He has beautiful, sacred names
Sudarshana He can be easily seen by his devotees
Sudhanva He has the holy bow salled saranga
Sughosha Auspicious sound
Suhrit The friend and well wisher of all creatures
Sukhada The giver of happiness
Sukhada Giver of bliss to those who are liberated
Sukshma The smallest known thing from which everything came
Sulabha Can be easily attained
Sulochana Has the most enchanting eyes
Sumedha Has pure intelligence
Sumukha He has a charming face
Sunda Of great mercy
Sundara Epitome of beauty
Suparna He has beautiful wings
Suparna Having vedas as leaves
Suprasada Mercy personified
Suradhyaksha He presides over all devas
Surananda Who gives out happiness
Surariha Destroyer of the enemies of the devas
Suresha The Lord of all gods
Sureshwara The god of gods
Suruchi Shines beautifully
Surya The one source from where everything is born
Sushena He has magnificent army
Sutantu Has expanded this universe starting from himself
Sutapa He has done great penance
Suvarnabindu Has limbs radiant like gold
Suvarnavarna Golden colour
Suveera Moves with great and divine glories
Suvrata Ever-performing the pure vow
Suvrata Accepts good vows
suyamuna Attended by the people dwelling on the banks of yamuna
Svaasya Beautiful face
Svabhavya Ever-rooted in the nature of his own self
Svadhrita Carries himself
Svaksha Beautiful eyed lord
Svanga The instrument reason and cause for existence
Svanga Has beautiful limbs
Svapana Puts people to sleep
Svasti Who is the source of all auspiciouness
Svastibhuka Who constantly enjoys auspiciousness
Svastida Who gives all good things to his devotees
Svastidakshina Distributor of auspiciousness
Svastikrit Who does good
Svavasha Has everything under his control
Svayamjata The cause of his own birth
Swayambhu Who manifests from himself

Meaning of Vishnu’s Names

Unique names of God Vishnu.

Names Meaning
Taara Helps to get across the ocean of life
Tantuvardhana Broadens the world
Tara Saves from all sorrows of birth and death
Tarana He enables others to cross the ocean of samsara
Tat Indicated by the word ‘that’
Tattvam The real and only truth
Tattvavit Manifests as the knowledge of the supreme truth
Tejovrisha Showers radiance
Tirthakara Created methods for salvation of all beings in the world
Lord of three states of consciousness – wakefulness, sleep and dream
Trika-Kubdhama The lord of all directions
Trilokadhrik Carries the three worlds
Trilokatma The soul of the three worlds
Trilokesha The Lord of the three worlds
Tripada The Lord who has taken three steps
Trisama Is worshipped by the three samas
Trivikrama Measured the worlds in three steps
Tushta Ever-contented
Twashta The Lord Who Makes Huge Things Small
Udbhava Originator of the entire universe
Udbhava Attains great births
Udirna Greater than all beings
Udumbara Nourishment of all living creatures
Ugra Formidable
Upendra The younger brother of indra
Urdhvaga On top of everything
Urjita Who is very powerful
Urjita-shasana Gives firm orders
Uttara Saves all beings from the miserable ocean of mortal life
Uttarana Lifts us out of the ocean of change
Vaajasana Giver of food
Vaaruna The son of Varuna
Vachaspati Udaradhi The Lord of eloquent speech and of noble thought
Vachaspatirayonija The unborn lord of vidyas
Vagmi He is eloquent in speech
Vahni He is in the form of fire
Vaidya Knower of all lores
Vaikhana Dug the earth as a boar (varaha)
Vaikuntha Prevents beings from straying on wrong paths
Vamana Dwarf body
Vamshavardhana Makes dynasties grow
Vanamali Wears a garland of forest flowers
Varada He gives boons
Varanga Beautiful limbs
Vararoha The most glorious destination
Vardhamana He can grow himself into any dimensions
Vardhana The nurturer and nourisher
Varuna Sets on the horizon
Vasavanuja Younger brother of Indra
Vashatkara The God who is invoked for oblations
Vasu Who lives in every being
Vasu Wealth
Vasu Refuge for all beings
Vasuda Gives good pleasures and wealth
Vasudeva He is in everything and plays there
Vasudeva Was born as son of Vasudeva
Vasudeva Envelops the universe by illusion
Vasumana Has a good heart
Vasumana Of great mind
Vasuprada The bestower of wealth
Vasuprada Leads his devotees to salvation
Vasureta Essence is golden
Vatsala He loves his devotees
Vatsara The abode of everything
Vatsi Protector of the people
Vayu The wafter of fragrance
Vayu Vahana Controls and regulates the great winds
Vayu Vahana Makes winds move
Veda He who is the vedas
Vedanga His limbs are the vedas
Vedavida He is the knower of the vedas
Vedavit He contemplates upon the vedas
Vedha Creator of the universe
Vedya Who can be known
Veera Personification of valor
Veera Lord who is valorous
Veera Courageous
Veerabahu Having mighty arms
Veeraha The slayer of valiant demons
Veeraha Slayer of the valiant foes
Veeraha Slayer of the valiant foes
Veetabhaya Has no fear
Vegavaan He is fastest in reaching the devotee’s call from the heart
Vibhu Has many forms
Vibhu All-pervading lord
Vidarana Destroyer of unrighteous
Vidhata Who creates all actions and their results
Vidhata He carries the world
Vidisha He is unique in his giving
Vidvattama He has the greatest wisdom
Vihaayasagati Travels in space
Vijaya Victorious
Vijitatma Conquered the sense organs
Vikarta Creator of the endless varieties that make up the universe
Vikrama Who has measured the worlds
Vikrami The Lord Who has Valour
Vikrami Daring
Vikshara Imperishable
Vimuktatma Soul which has left all its bondages
Vinaya Humiliates those who are unrighteous
Vinayitasakshi Witness of modesty
Viraja He is passionless
Virama The ultimate end of everything
Virochana Shines in different forms
Vishama Can’t be compared to anyone else
Vishishta Transcends all in his glory
Vishnu Someone who pervades everywhere

God Vishnu’s and The Meanings

Here you can know the different names of God Vishnu who is worshiped by Hindus.

Names Meaning
Taara Helps to get across the ocean of life
Tantuvardhana Broadens the world
Tara Saves from all sorrows of birth and death
Tarana He enables others to cross the ocean of samsara
Tat Indicated by the word ‘that’
Tattvam The real and only truth
Tattvavit Manifests as the knowledge of the supreme truth
Tejovrisha Showers radiance
Tirthakara Created methods for salvation of all beings in the world
Lord of three states of consciousness – wakefulness, sleep and dream
Trika-Kubdhama The lord of all directions
Trilokadhrik Carries the three worlds
Trilokatma The soul of the three worlds
Trilokesha The Lord of the three worlds
Tripada The Lord who has taken three steps
Trisama Is worshipped by the three samas
Trivikrama Measured the worlds in three steps
Tushta Ever-contented
Twashta The Lord Who Makes Huge Things Small
Udbhava Originator of the entire universe
Udbhava Attains great births
Udirna Greater than all beings
Udumbara Nourishment of all living creatures
Ugra Formidable
Upendra The younger brother of indra
Urdhvaga On top of everything
Urjita Who is very powerful
Urjita-shasana Gives firm orders
Uttara Saves all beings from the miserable ocean of mortal life
Uttarana Lifts us out of the ocean of change
Vaajasana Giver of food
Vaaruna The son of Varuna
Vachaspati Udaradhi The Lord of eloquent speech and of noble thought
Vachaspatirayonija The unborn lord of vidyas
Vagmi He is eloquent in speech
Vahni He is in the form of fire
Vaidya Knower of all lores
Vaikhana Dug the earth as a boar (varaha)
Vaikuntha Prevents beings from straying on wrong paths
Vamana Dwarf body
Vamshavardhana Makes dynasties grow
Vanamali Wears a garland of forest flowers
Varada He gives boons
Varanga Beautiful limbs
Vararoha The most glorious destination
Vardhamana He can grow himself into any dimensions
Vardhana The nurturer and nourisher
Varuna Sets on the horizon
Vasavanuja Younger brother of Indra
Vashatkara The God who is invoked for oblations
Vasu Who lives in every being
Vasu Wealth
Vasu Refuge for all beings
Vasuda Gives good pleasures and wealth
Vasudeva He is in everything and plays there
Vasudeva Was born as son of Vasudeva
Vasudeva Envelops the universe by illusion
Vasumana Has a good heart
Vasumana Of great mind
Vasuprada The bestower of wealth
Vasuprada Leads his devotees to salvation
Vasureta Essence is golden
Vatsala He loves his devotees
Vatsara The abode of everything
Vatsi Protector of the people
Vayu The wafter of fragrance
Vayu Vahana Controls and regulates the great winds
Vayu Vahana Makes winds move
Veda He who is the vedas
Vedanga His limbs are the vedas
Vedavida He is the knower of the vedas
Vedavit He contemplates upon the vedas
Vedha Creator of the universe
Vedya Who can be known
Veera Personification of valor
Veera Lord who is valorous
Veera Courageous
Veerabahu Having mighty arms
Veeraha The slayer of valiant demons
Veeraha Slayer of the valiant foes
Veeraha Slayer of the valiant foes
Veetabhaya Has no fear
Vegavaan He is fastest in reaching the devotee’s call from the heart
Vibhu Has many forms
Vibhu All-pervading lord
Vidarana Destroyer of unrighteous
Vidhata Who creates all actions and their results
Vidhata He carries the world
Vidisha He is unique in his giving
Vidvattama He has the greatest wisdom
Vihaayasagati Travels in space
Vijaya Victorious
Vijitatma Conquered the sense organs
Vikarta Creator of the endless varieties that make up the universe
Vikrama Who has measured the worlds
Vikrami The Lord Who has Valour
Vikrami Daring
Vikshara Imperishable
Vimuktatma Soul which has left all its bondages
Vinaya Humiliates those who are unrighteous
Vinayitasakshi Witness of modesty
Viraja He is passionless
Virama The ultimate end of everything
Virochana Shines in different forms
Vishama Can’t be compared to anyone else
Vishishta Transcends all in his glory
Vishnu Someone who pervades everywhere

I hope now you have understood the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu along with the meaning of every name.
